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Vacation Rental Housekeeping App

Better and Easier To Use

Keeping things simple is a mantra to live by, and few places does it apply more than in the vacation rental housekeeping field. Housekeepers need a reliable, easy, intuitive way to complete their tasks, report things like damage, theft, and maintenance issues, and take photos to show what's happened when it makes sense.

New and Improved

Bookerville's housekeeping app has been in service for many years and is used by many. The feedback has been very positive. But there's always room for improvement, and Bookerville has listened to requests to enhance what needed to be enhanced, making it more streamlined and more valuable than it already was.

Dynamic To-Do List

It starts with a prioritized list of properties sorted by urgency. Red dots indicate a cleaning or inspection is needed. Orange dots indicate the property is occupied, and green dots show properties that are all clear and ready for the next arrival.

Each color group is sorted by urgency, so the top items are the ones that need attention the most. But even properties that are all set still show the next arrival date so that housekeepers have a sense for what's coming in the next days, weeks, and can plan their schedules accordingly.

And the list is generated based on booking data: when bookings are canceled, moved to other properties, dates rescheduled, the next time anyone refreshes their view, it updates the prioritized list. You don't have to reschedule anything for anyone.

Housekeeping Check Lists

Set up custom check-lists for your housekeeping staff to make sure they don't forget what they are expected to do for each property. You can also set up specific instructions, reminders about things for specific bookings when it makes sense. Did the arriving guests opt for the jacuzzi upgrade? Put in a note to alert the housekeepers to clean and turn on the hot tub. And maybe another note on the departure to clean it and turn it off.

Maintenance and Work Orders

Housekeepers are often the first to learn of new maintenance issues. With the Bookerville housekeeping app, they can report this, describe the issue, and even take photos to help illustrate what needs attention. This automatically creates a new work order in your Bookerville dashboard, that feeds into Bookerville's Maintenance app so that your maintenance staff can act on it.

Watch These Videos on Bookerville's Housekeeping App

Watch this video for a demo of how it works: Bookerville's Vacation Rental Housekeeping App

After that, you might also be interested in the rest of the videos in this series on vacation rental housekeeping in Bookerville, how all of this gets integrated and managed in your Bookerville dashboard:

Bookerville's Vacation Rental Housekeeping

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